Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Q(me): Can I borrow some money so that I can buy gas. I'll pay you back on payday, which is NEXT Wednesday.????

A(my mom): Sure! Here's $40 bucks to last you. I can't give you anymore, so make it last.

(me): thanks mom.

(my mom): you bet!

latter that night/early the next morning (3:31a.m.)

Q(my mom): Did you have a good time? Do you have any money left???

A(me): Duh!! I have all of it. Thanks again
REAL A(me): I have $9 left out of $40 because I'm a fucking jackass. I went to Will's got drunk at the bar, then fucking went to the goddamned lumberyard and paid a $10 cover, and now I have no fucking money for gas, or anything else. I wish I were dead.

(my mom): Goodnight

(me): Goodnight
(me for real): fuck me up the fucking ass with a hot spoon. Fuck

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Roll Bounce
Originally uploaded by Chip Count.
God werks in mysterious ways.

Click & Watch Fuckers