Thursday, October 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by Chip Count.

Some characteristics of Asperger syndrome
People with Asperger syndrome may display some of the following characteristics:

* Difficulty in forming friendships.
* A preference for playing alone or with older children and adults.
* Ability to talk well, either too much or too little, but difficulty with communication.
* Inability to understand that communication involves listening as well as talking.
* A very literal understanding of what has been said. For example, when asked to 'get lost', as in go away, a person with Asperger syndrome will be confused and may literally try to 'get lost'.
* Inability to understand the rules of social behaviour, the feelings of others and to 'read' body language. For example, a person with Asperger syndrome may not know that someone is showing that they are cross when frowning.
* Behaviour varies from mildly unusual to quite aggressive and difficult.
* Having rules and rituals that they insist all family members follow.
* Anger and aggression when things do not happen as they want.
* Sensitivity to criticism.
* A narrow field of interests. For example a person with Asperger syndrome may focus on learning all there is to know about cars, trains or computers.
* Eccentricity.

About 10 times more boys than girls are diagnosed with Asperger syndrome , however, it is possible that girls with Asperger syndrome are better at learning and copying social skills.

Some people can be very talented
Some people with Asperger syndrome are very talented in their chosen field of interest. They may enjoy academic and vocational success. While strengths and abilities differ from one individual to the next, a person with Asperger syndrome may have:

* Normal or higher than average intelligence.
* Extensive vocabulary - but many people have difficulty with the practical use of language (see above).
* Expertise in their chosen topic of interest - although this can become difficult in social situations as they may only talk about one topic.
* Excellent factual memory for their chosen topic of interest
* Dedication and commitment to their job if they work in a supportive environment and their job is suited to their interests.
* The drive to perform well at school or work, if given a supportive and inclusive environment.